
Below are several random verbatim (vendor name removed) quotes from EHR vendors’ websites or press releases.

Question: What do the following EHRs have in common?

ABCD EHR has earned the distinction of receiving ONC-ATCB certification. ABCD is at the forefront of the effort to help providers across the US to become “meaningful users” of EHR and qualify for $44,000 to $63,750 in federal stimulus dollars. The eligible professionals and hospitals can use this certified EHR technology as part of their criteria to qualify for Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) incentive payments.

Using our EMR System qualifies you for $44,000 in economic stimulus plan incentives under the HITECH Act. Visit our Stimulus Center.

"EFGH-EHR is meeting all of the requirements for 'meaningful use', which means you will be eligible to get your share of the government incentive with EFGH-EHR".

JKLM announces that the JKLM EMR has been tested and certified under Drummond Group's Electronic Health Records ONC-ATCB program (ONC-ATCB EHR 1234567890). Drummond Group Inc. is an ONC authorized testing and certification body (ONC-ATCB) that provides meaningful use certification for EHR systems and applications. When a complete EHR system or EHR module(s) is certified by Drummond Group, the eligible providers and hospitals can use this certified EHR technology as part of their criteria for qualifying for Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) incentive payments.

NOPQ, (www.NOPQ-website.com), one of the nation's top independent medical healthcare information technology companies, has received an EHR module certification deeming the electronic health record (EHR) software capable of enabling providers to meet the Stage 1 meaningful use measures required to qualify for funding under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA).

Answer: None of the certified products above, in their current state, will qualify you for Government incentives, since none of these products have been certified as a “Complete EHR”.

If you are shopping for an EHR and if you are interested in qualifying for incentives for Meaningful Use, please visit ONC’s listing of certified HIT products at http://onc-chpl.force.com/ehrcert . Once there, make sure that your selected EHR has “Complete EHR” specified in the “Product Classification” column. Anything with “Module” in that column will require that you purchase additional products to qualify for incentives. Make sure that the version you are about to purchase matches the entry in the “Product Version #” column as well.

Additional word of advice: Even if the EHR you are considering is certified as “Complete EHR”, ask to see a detailed demo of each one of the 25 Meaningful Use Stage 1 criteria and make sure that all the functionality you are seeing is included in the price you were quoted.

As usual, Caveat emptor is the name of the game…..